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Though everyone gets access to my stuff, I need encouragement to make more stuff.
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Also: Toy: Cadence Keeper, Disposable Toy: Explorable Interface for Timer_v2.js
in CadenceKeeper, Half-baked Article: Ephemeral Tooling, Half-baked Article: Exploratory Interfaces, Toy: Logs for Teaching, Article: Exploratory Testing: Lessons from Fact Checking, Exercise: Abstract Judgement, Exercise: Judging by Content, Delivery, Bravery
Instant Gratification

Engage Me

I can help your testers to test, help your team to improve, and help your organisers to understand their options and responsibilities.
I've been an independent consultant, specialising in software testing and test strategy, since 1994. I've been the test strategist on huge national-infrastructure projects, an experiential teacher in companies you buy from, and I've helped organisations understand their testing needs from the board down to tiny teams. I have an international reputation as a speaker, and I was chosen by my peers to receive EuroSTAR's 2015 Testing Excellence Award.